We like to help small business leaders clarify their message and refine their marketing strategy, because a clear marketing message and executable plan will save them time, energize their team, and make them money.



Beyond the sheer number of projects you juggle during the year, marketing is one area of responsibility that can make the best marketers scramble. Keeping up with trends, insider language, social media and all-things-marketing can drain hours in your day. And you don’t have the time or the money to waste.

The problem seems overwhelming, doesn’t it? So overwhelming, in fact, that – no matter how hard you try – you’re not sure what efforts are actually producing results.

We felt that way too, at first.

But, one thing is clearer now than ever before:

There is a way to build a smart marketing plan and clear messaging that gets your marketing to work as hard as you do.

You know marketing is necessary; unfortunately, it can drain your time, your energy, and your budget.

As business owners ourselves, we know how valuable your time and money is and how hard you’re working for it.

What if you could spend less on marketing for a higher return?

At Ignite Marketing Co, we help small businesses clarify their message and create affordable marketing plans that get results. Businesses are energized when they watch their sales and profit margins grow.


Who is Ignite Marketing Co?

Alice Myer

Remember that classic ad campaign Who’s That Behind Those Foster Grants?  For a little while, it was Alice Myer.

Alice has been flexing her marketing muscles from then to now, working in both corporate and non-profit industries. A lot has changed in the marketing landscape since then, and Alice blissfully enjoys “always being in school.” In fact, if she’s not talking with others, she’s listening to a podcast. Church history, Business Made Simple, and Israeli spy thrillers fill her queue.

Fun fact: As Marketing Director at Foster Grant in the ‘80s, Alice was the first person in the organization to have a computer mouse.

Randi Beth Burton

Randi Beth’s love for all-things-marketing grew during her college days at Texas A&M. Add to that a season with her feet-to-the-pavement doing sales plus a free spirit …  it was just a matter of time until RB found the right person to join her and start up a dream j-o-b.

RB left her position as Senior Director of Sales & Marketing after 10 years in a non-profit to start Ignite Marketing Co with her longtime friend and mentor Alice Myer.

Fun fact: Watch a movie with RB and it’s like having IMDB sitting next to you. She can tell you who the actor is, what other movies they’ve been in, who they’ve had as co-stars and quote the most memorable lines.

We are obsessed with getting you a return on your investment.
We’ve done our jobs if – at the end of our project – you have a clear message and a marketing plan that works as hard as you do.

Tools for digital nerds like us:

To make things look pretty we use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, but more often than not we get things done on Canva.

To send our emails we use Outlook, but to automate things so we can have a salesforce without hiring a salesforce, we use Active Campaign.

To keep ourselves on task and motivated, we use Trello. We also read Atomic Habits and Indistractable, and don’t try to do more than 3 big tasks in a day.

We keep our files backed up and in the cloud through OneDrive and share everything with our clients through Google Drive.

We buy our domains at domain.com and host our sites on FlyWheel. We like their customer service and they treat us like we want to treat others.  Google Analytics tells us how we’re doing. Most of the time we build our websites on WordPress and think the Divi theme is the absolute best.

We love all things Business Made Simple puts out, including Business Made Simple University, the Business Made Simple Podcast, Building a Story Brand, and people can hire us on clarifyyourmessage.com.

We record and send videos of ourselves talking through things on Loom, host our meetings on Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and set up appointments through Calendly.

You can find us on LinkedInFacebook and Instagram. We use Hootsuite to schedule out our posts.

We office from 2Rivers Coffee Shop, RB’s 1977 Trillium Travel Trailer, the Ignite Marketing Offices within the Disciple Daily Fellowship House, or our homes.

We should probably tell you some of these are affiliate links, and we might make money off of them. Like 10 cents, which would be nice. But, hey, you like us, right?


Start working with Ignite Marketing Co today.


Request A Consultation

Set aside 30 minutes for us to discuss the roadblocks keeping you from success.


Get A Plan

Let’s simplify your message and create a plan that gets your customers to buy.


Grow Your Business

This is our favorite part … watching you grow and make more money!


How Does Your Marketing Measure Up?

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